Dialog Design0R
Dialog Design0RHier kommt ein neues Tool aus der 0R Reihe, es nennt sich Dialog Design0R. Es ist recht simpel, aber auch sehr mächtig und ist dafür gedacht recht einfach XML …
HeX0Rs Tools and more…
Dialog Design0RHier kommt ein neues Tool aus der 0R Reihe, es nennt sich Dialog Design0R. Es ist recht simpel, aber auch sehr mächtig und ist dafür gedacht recht einfach XML …
Comment Edit0rThis is a little helper to support the comment tool of RSBasic. You can very easily add new comments, or edit existing ones. It searches from the current cursor …
History Viewer History Viewer is a PB IDE-Tool, that is working like a personal version controling system. It is also useful as a kind of backup-system, cause you can simply …
History Viewer [linux]now for Linux also! (Looking for the windows version?) History Viewer is a PB IDE-Tool, that is working like a personal version controling system. It is also useful …
Them0RWelcome to Them0R. Them0R is able to load and save color-schemes for your PureBasic-IDE. The first release only includes one scheme (besides the default). But i hope, there will be …
Tray0RTray0R V1.03 Tray0R is a tool which can hide almost any Window and send it into the tray. So your Taskbar will stay free of programs, which just doing there …
NeT0RNeT0R V1.006 New in 1.006: – Files will be automatically resumed. – You now can also Drag & Drop whole Folders. – Changed the colors a little bit – Deactivating …
20abThis is one of my famous cardgames. All of the images used ingame are created on the fly. Some of them doesn’t look that good, maybe if i’ll find the …
ProcessKillerFor all owners of a Logitech G15 keyboard here comes a process killer. I know, there are quite some out there, but i didn’t were in need of not responding-messages, …
MD5 BruteforcerThis tool will try to bruteforce a given MD5-hash. There are a few settings to make the search even faster: Select allowed characters inside the searchstring run on up …